Little Silk Wings’ website is an Australian bereavement doula training platform and resource centre. It will provide both immediate, free information about what to expect when supporting a mother whose baby had died or will die, as well as the option to be a part of extensive, detailed training to be certified as a Little Silk Wings Practitioner and be called upon to support other mums in your community.
We have a vision that every woman in Australia having at least one sister in her tribe who has trained with Little Silk Wings. By sister, we mean friend, relative, actual sister. A woman in her tribe who she knows will journey with her in confidence should she find herself in a space where birth is meeting death. more…
Homebirth Access Sydney (HAS) has been representing homebirth families since 1979. We are a non-profit organisation and the only group of its kind in Sydney that promotes and supports homebirth, as an accessible and attainable birthing option . We perform and extremely important function by sustaining a centrally organised group of caring people, gathering information and making it available to anyone who is interested in childbirth alternatives and the myriad of related issues. more…
She Births® is designed to give the power of childbirth back to the woman and her partner in the most natural way possible. Our course prepares you with knowledge and resources from the moment you register, right through to your baby’s arrival and the months thereafter. Based on Three Pillars; Knowledge, Inner Strength and Outer Support you will be able to create a better birth experience for your family. The unique three pillars of She Births® empower you with active birthing, hypnosis, yoga, acupressure, massage, visualisation, nutrition, pain management and more, so that as a team you can engage with labour in the most gentle, natural and joyous way more… specialises in:
Healing from birth trauma, grief and disappointment
Planning a positive birth no matter how you are birthing.
Birthing After Caesarean support and education including VBAC and Positive Caesarean information
I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to quit my job and start helping women heal from birth. It seemed the natural next step to go from being a midwife.
What I didn’t realize was how life changing this work would be for women.
My life also has been completely changed, we never heal alone. more…
Imagine a calm and joyful beginning to your baby’s life. It is possible. Calmbirth® is a simple yet effective childbirth education program which acknowledges the amazing ability of a mother’s body to work as one with her unborn child to give birth. Calmbirth® empowers the mother and her partner to experience birth with wonder and joy.
Our community of doulas offer a range of family centred services such as postpartum support, photography, blessingway hosting, body art, placenta encapsulation, breathwork, massage, holistic counselling, yoga, kinesiology, reiki and much more… find your doula @ or the
If you are looking to Find a Doula to support you and your partner through the birth of your baby, you’ve found the right place. If you are a Doula who would like to make your childbirth support services known to pregnant women in your area, you have found the right place.
You are invited into a world that encourages and inspires birthing women to return home to their own inner knowing and trusting in the beauty of their bodies birthing wisdom. Today we are distracted by so many outside influences around pregnancy birth and beyond that it can be challenging to remain true to one’s own authenticity and needs. I therefore honour the language of the feminine in this spiritual rite of passage and my offerings always support the principle that mother and baby are at the centre of the experience.
I also intrinsically know that it is vital that birth professionals stand with woman with deep respect for HER expression with HER baby – we must endeavour to listen to women and support HER inner knowing. In fact I often say “maybe we can be guided by her light and be illuminated by her path”. more…
The Positive Birth Movement started as a microscopic little egg and now suddenly we find it’s a strong and healthy toddler – it’s funny how these things go.
A small seed of an idea to help improve the birth experiences of women by inviting them to gather over cake, somehow rose in the oven utterly beyond our expectations.
What began in 2012 as one small meeting in the living room of writer and campaigner Milli Hill, is now a global network of over 300 ‘real life’ groups, with a massive social media presence too.
And we just keep on growing. We think this is because we break down the walls that the so-called ‘birth wars’ try to build between women. We don’t hold any one kind of birth up above another. We’re just concerned with every woman getting the best possible birth experience, for her, on that day.
Faye is the mother of four children, a Registered Midwife, Birth Alchemist and Feng Shui Consultant. She has been empowering women and their partners for more than 25 years to birth their babies into a space of love and in the way they desire. She also helps women to create sacred space for birth, using simple Feng Shui techniques. Faye now works with other birth professionals all around the world to create change in the landscape of birth, so that all women feel honoured and supported to give birth in the way that they choose.
Shake off the shackles of the past and awaken your radiant self as a woman and mother! I’m Avalon, a Shamanic Birthkeeper, Writer, Coach and Mentor supporting mothers to flourish into their feminine power in life, love, sexuality and business. I specialise in birth – not just babies, but birthing new aspects of yourself, and your visions into the world! Enjoy my little video and have a look around. I’m so glad you’ve found me! Check out my free gifts HERE and how you can work with me HERE.
You will find information and tools, for menstruation, childbirth, connecting with the cycles and passing on this wisdom to our children.
Birth Into Being International was founded by Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova, creator of “Birth As We Know It’.
Birth Into Being Internatioanl is a collective of individuals commited to conscious (r)evolution of our species. more….
Sharing the message and tools of Limbic Imprint ReCoding, under the premise that is never too late to create the life, world, or changes you want.
The School of Shamanic Womancraft was founded by Australian midwife Jane Hardwicke Collings.
Jane has trained in Shamanic practices with James M Harvey, aka Blackbear and has had many wonderful teachers including Midwife Maggie Lecky Thompson, Birthkeeper Jeannine Parvati Baker and Teacher and Author Cedar Barstow. Jane lives in the country of NSW, Australia with her husband, some of her children and many animal friends. more…
Indie Birth (a Private Membership Association) provides an innovative option for pregnant and birthing women who want to expand what they know and believe. Most information for pregnant women is watered down and oversimplified. We know that you are smarter than that. We offer concrete knowledge, ancient wisdom and current research so women can make choices with full awareness, from the full spectrum of choices. Similarly, we provide education and innovative ideas for the modern midwife. Midwifery has become over-medicalized, taking us far from the knowledge, support, power and wisdom that women NEED in order to birth and mother. We want to foster a community of midwives that serve families from a valuable “out of the box,” well-rounded and intelligent perspective, and we want to support the community of women looking for these midwives! more..
Hypnobirthing teaches pregnant women and their birth partners about how to birth their baby calmly and positively, no matter what turn birth takes. Birthing is a natural instinct and womens’ bodies are designed to give birth, but movies, TV shows, family, friends and even random people in the street, have taught us that birth is something to fear.
The birth of your baby (especially if you are expecting your first child) is a major milestone in your life. Take the time to prepare yourself for this amazing journey and give birth with confidence! Click here to book your course today.
MUM FOR MUM is a HOME BASED, CONFIDENTIAL, FREE OF CHARGE program for mothers of newborns or infants and pregnant women.
Most new mothers feel isolated, overwhelmed and find it challenging to cope with the emotions and changes of motherhood. These are natural feelings… more
Congratulations on your pregnancy Now lets help you have the best chance of a healthy and natural pregnancy. On this page you will find a short video about areas of pregnancy we can help with. Simply click on the relevant topic video and if you have further questions or would like to make an appointment you will find the detail below. more…
Emotion is an essential aspect of interpersonal communication. The capacity to feel is what makes us human, and what connects us to one another. Emotional intelligence is what helps us to achieve our potential, and to fulfil our hearts’ ambitions. So, the more we develop and refine our emotional intelligence the more we can enjoy fulfilling relationships, realize our deepest longings, manage life’s conflicts with grace, and create fair, peaceful and sustainable societies.
Many of the experiences we have in childhood leave a lasting emotional impression, even if we don’t consciously recall them. Childhood therefore has a profound influence on how we relate to each other as adults. more…
Every couple deserves to have a positive pregnancy & birth and this can be achieved through the right Childbirth Education, Good Support & Tools & Techniques to help you during your birth.
Here at Belly2Birth I am passionate about supporting and educating couples through their journey from pregnancy, birth & beyond and with my help and support you can achieve a positive pregnancy & birth experience. MORE
Homebirth is being able to birth in comfortable
and familiar surroundings
Women choose homebirth for many reasons including:
- personalised care from a qualified midwife throughout her pregnancy, birth and post-natal period, in the comfort of her own home
- being able to birth in comfortable and familiar surroundings
- decreased need for interventions and drugs during labour
- women can choose who is present at their birth….more
Hello! I’m Jessica.
I’m the passionate, honest Writer and Owner of GirlTribe. I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with my wonderful husband and our four spirited daughters. Two of our daughters have autism (ASD) along with my husband and two of our daughters don’t. They’re all wonderful. Together we are raising strong daughters who we encourage to question the status quo and challenge gender stereotypes. We want our girls to be bold in their rhythm and embrace difference and neuro-diversity. I really enjoy eating cornchips, fitting in yoga where I can, cooking delicious curries and getting beach therapy whenever I can. I hate coriander and general ignorance. more..
Hi, I’m Dr Erin Bowe. I’m a Clinical/Perinatal Psychologist, freelance writer, and general birth nerd living in the Macedon Ranges, Victoria. I am a Mum to one happy little Hypnobub, and have another on the way, so I’m chronically sleep deprived, but I shuffle my work time between pregnancy and general counselling, birth trauma debriefing, psychologist supervision, and teaching Hypnobirthing Australia classes. As a freelance writer, I write about pregnancy, parenting, child/adolescent mental health, relationships and women’s health. I also provide expert comment for media articles. more…
As a Mama of four beautiful children I am always learning, seeking and discovering ways to enrich our lives.
I hold all sorts of roles in life- Doula, Childbirth Educator and Womens Mysteries Teacher, which covers Medicine Drum making, Teacher and Dreamer at the School of Shamanic Womancraft, Moon Circle workshops for Mothers and Maidens, Moon Circle for Women, and Songs of Sacred Circle. Also being a Women’s Mysteries Teacher is about honouring Women at all their altars of transformation- birth, menarche, menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and death. more..
I created my powerful signature program, Heart & Hustle, because I believe this work, our collective work, is hugely important and it deserves to be nurtured as such. I want to see myths dispelled and resistance redirected as Doulas, Midwives and other birth professionals come into their full power and make the most impact. Heart and Hustle is a stimulating and vibrant opportunity for maternal and perinatal professionals who are aching to turn their passions into sustainable and thriving careers. Women who want to get away from the curse of the ‘hobby job’ and make some real moolah from their manifestations and motivations. more…