Birth Stories from a Midwife, Mother and Birth Alchemist! We are joined in this podcast with Registered Nurse and Midwife Faye Read from SoulBirth. This episode really drills into the deep connection and soulful nature of what birth is with four beautiful hospital, birth centre and home birth stories.

This episode is great resource for many listeners as Faye, in between her birth stories, talks about her experiences as a midwife. Faye talks delayed cord clamping, natural endorphins, birth plans, the importance of being the first to touch baby, and the use of drugs in birth and how to create and maintain a Sacred Space for birth in the hospital environment…more like home

Firstly we hear about her journey into midwifery and some enlightening tales of her time spent in Papua New Guinea, including a story of a woman that went on her lunch break and come back with a baby in arms!

During her time in Papua New Guinea Faye and her Husband become pregnant with their first child, they flew back to Perth to birth their baby and resume life in Australia. This birth was at a hospital and Faye describes the lessons she learned from this birth and how the experience that she had in Papua New Guinea really shaped how she perceived birth and solidified the meaning of ‘listen to your intuition’. The birth was a 16 hour labour and Faye changed after this birth as a woman and midwife. She then goes on to describe how as a midwife she believes in ‘holding space’ for the birthing mother. We hear how Faye explains that school talks are so important for children as with the barrage of media in our modern world we are faced with children growing up not only disconnected from their own self, but quite often viewing birth as a scary and painful event.

Her next birth was in a ‘Free Standing’ Birth Centre, where all her care was centred around the woman in the centre. Faye describes meeting a midwife that is doing the work that Faye is doing now, a healer/energy intuitive that took her through a deep session of connecting with her baby. Faye found and met her spirit guides and her baby that she already connected with in a past life. Faye describes this as an unfolding of her intuition and describes that her daughter in utero gave her messages of healing. Faye birthed at the birth centre in a massive storm with the labour lasting 8 hours. This labour was active where Faye got to move around and submerge herself fully into warm water. Her daughter was born en caul (still in her sac). Faye describes the incredible moment of connecting with her daughters eyes while she was still under water. This was a very spiritual brith experience for all.

In between the birth stories Faye gives us a great insight into the importance of (if possible) delayed cord clamping, she tells us that resuscitation can be done with the cord still intact. She describes that in the US they are now bringing out resuscitation units that can be attached to the bed.

Not long after her birth she got messages for another being to come. Faye become pregnant 12 months later. At first Faye had to get her head around having another baby as they were certain they were to only have 2 children. At 16 weeks Faye went though a miscarriage, in speaking to her intuition she was told that the body was not the right fit. Faye learned allot about imprinting and wondered if the negative feelings she was having early on in pregnancy had a effect on baby and the messages she was receiving. One month later she was pregnant again and this pregnancy went to full term. Faye describes how she has always had her family at the birth, and when they all arrived he was born in a hour, she describes this a very fast experience and how the room was full of love and peace. From this brith Faye learned that women can catch their own babies if they want to and her belief in the imprinting process leads Faye to believe that the first person to touch the baby should be someone that loves her or he. This birth was beautiful to me as Faye really talks about how she connected so deeply and how her work now has been a product of these experiences of her births.faye

Her fourth birth was interesting to hear as Faye describes it was that again her daughter connected with her in the womb and this time she was quite demanding! Faye had to do a treasure hunt of beads, necklace, and statues! She managed to source all these things and going into labour she was missing the crows feather, doing the morning in labour Faye saw a crow landing on the roof and this labour was 12 hours as Faye the next morning went to a walk across the park and found the crows feather! Labour began again and her daughter was born shortly after. What a story!

From Faye –

Women should be able to choose whichever type of care they wish to receive and have these options available to them. 

I really believe in the imprinting process and so believe that whoever has first contact with the baby should ideally be someone who loves or will care for that child.

“The biggest key is to find that space within to birth your baby.” 

“Its all about the love hormones!.” 

“Be mindful, be open to receiving and know that everything happens for a reason.” 

“Birth is still a sacred event no matter where or when it happens, embrace this and know its all perfect as it is.” 


  • SoulBirth Skype Sessions with Faye –
  • Debroah Pascali  –
  • Birth Plan – Stick your birth plan on the wall so you and your birth team will not have to explain to each person that enters the room.
  • Light Touch – Use light touch with your partner to release the natural endorphins, love your birth up!

Connect with Faye and SoulBirth



Faye Read

Faye is the mother of four children, a Registered Midwife, Birth Alchemist and Feng Shui Consultant. She has been empowering women and their partners for more than 25 years to birth their babies into a space of love and in the way they desire. She also helps women to create sacred space for birth, using simple Feng Shui techniques. Faye now works with other birth professionals all around the world to create change in the landscape of birth, so that all women feel honoured and supported to give birth in the way that they choose.

Faye is the Business Owner of ‘Soulbirth’ & ‘Feng Shui for Birth’.

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