This show is really coming together with some super self aware conscious people and this episode is just that! We have the inspiring mamma Zoe Naylor on to talk about her birth experiences and her journey into motherhood. You may know Zoe from the fun loving series McLeods Daughters, her experiences from the professional media world, life and love, has been a part in her ‘finding awareness’ and she is sure giving back. KaftanMama is her insights into awakening, motherhood and all things holistic, shared with the world.

This shows the relaxed nature of being comfortable with your care provider.

We talked in this episode about her journey of her first birth and engaging in what she thought would be the best care from the obstetrician, Zoe and her partner soon felt that something was not right here and they swapped to midwifery care. Zoe went on to have a very quick 5 hour labour for her first birth. From there she describes more about her journey into the next pregnancy, she engaged with the skilled Midwife Jo Hunter and from there she birthed beautifully at home surrounded by her chosen and respected birth crew, this labour was around 3 hours. As we talked about in episode 12 with Catherine Bell its good to understand the body and prepare for these fast labours. Zoe talks about the benifits of having a choice, and for her home birth was the right choice. It just seems it worked out well to be at home as a 3 hour labor would have been very different experience making the trip to hospital.  Zoe Talks about how on that night of her birth there was 5 midwives to 29 women birhting in RPA Sydney, while she at home had her team around her the whole time, every step of the way and every contraction they were right there and she was suppourted and empowered.

This is a great episode to listen to as Zoe speaks well from her centre, she has some great wisdom to share. I enjoyed the space with her and her enthusiasm towards women centred and continuity of care. She is also a essential oil guru to boot! But wait there is more! You can also hear little of her new birthing, a documentary in the making #birthtime this is soon to be released sometime next year and will be the first of its kind in Australia about home birth. Stay tuned!

Also you can catch Zoe at the HomeBirth Conference in November 2017.

From Zoe – “You know, in your heart you know. To sit in meditation is key”



Connect with Zoe

Zoe Naylor Official
 Zoe is a mother, bonus-mum, partner, daughter, aunty, sister, friend and animal lover.
In her spare time she loves to paint and cook up feasts for her family. Her other passions include motorcycles, playing guitar, riding her horse, travel, photography, fashion, business, surfing, skiing, being a member of the rural fire service, psychotherapy, Circle of Security, Sahaj-Marg meditaton, raising consciousness, organic, heart based living and laughing to she nearly wets her pants!

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